Many people have discovered the life-enhancing qualities of the One Stretch. They loved it so much that they wanted to share their experiences and stories with everyone.

The bottom line, it works!
I’m always looking for tools that can assist me and others with their fitness and health. My wife and I have used the One Stretch and found it to be extremely beneficial. I believe the additional value of the One Stretch is how easy it is to use, which means stretching your calves will actually get done. The bottom line, it works!
Al Vermeil
Seven Time World Champion, San Francisco 49ers 1982 Superbowl Champion and six time NBA Champion Chicago Bulls
The One Stretch has become a part of my daily routine.
As a fellowship trained orthopedic foot and ankle surgeon, I’m challenging patients daily to exploit the benefits of a focused program of calf stretching. I’ve found the One Stretch to be the most effective means for my patients to realize the potential benefits of calf stretching. Not only do I recommend it for my patients, but after trying a variety of different modalities myself, the One Stretch has become a part of my daily routine as I continue to develop my interest in the sport of triathlon.
Dr. Safet Hatic II
I am able to play tennis again
My long standing foot and achilles pain have completely resolved stretching on the One Stretch. I am able to play tennis again without waking up the next day unable to walk. Thank you.
Mark Kuhlman, O.D.
It just takes a commitment of time and you can be walking pain free again.
Rarely do I write testimonials, but in this case I feel compelled. The name Plantar Fasciitis sets up the wrong thinking about its management. As a physician, I like many who suffered from this painful condition assumed the problem was in my foot. That’s understandable; the plantar fascia is in the foot. However, the plantar fascia is relaxed or on tension due to the entire system which starts in your calf muscle; the gastrocnemius. After failing to see relief with shoe prosthetics, I started using the One Stretch to stretch the entire system. The pain, which I had endured for months, started to fade after just 2 weeks. After three months of using the One Stretch, I can wear sandals again without pain. The best part of this treatment is it is easy. It just takes a commitment of time and you can be walking pain free again.
Gary Varley MD
I am so glad that I can do normal things now.
Just thought I would touch base with you to let you know how I am progressing. It has been almost three months following your instruction on the One Stretch and it is helping. So glad you helped me and kept me from seeing some other doctor that would be wanting to cut on me.
“I would say I am at about 85% recovered. It is slow but continues to improve. I am so glad that I can do normal things now. The One Stretch really made it easy, especially compared to the stuff I was doing before, that was obviously not working. When I use it in the mornings, I am ready to function normally.
Delbert T.
I am still as active as ever!
I am an advocate for One Stretch and Dr. Amis’ stretching protocol. I am very serious about following his calf stretching program, and at 59 years old and post-6 surgeries, I am still as active as ever!
Anyone who knows me has already heard of the One Stretch and Dr. Amis’ stretching program. I have given his videos and suggested his One Stretch device to all my friends and family. It is such a simple and cost effective way to combat pain that I am surprised everyone suffering hasn’t tried it- I hope they do!
B. Walther
My walking is better, my workouts are better, and even my golf game is better
I am an advocate for One Stretch and Dr. Amis’ stretching protocol. I am very serious about following his calf stretching program, and at 59 years old and post-6 surgeries, I am still as active as ever!
Anyone who knows me has already heard of the One Stretch and Dr. Amis’ stretching program. I have given his videos and suggested his One Stretch device to all my friends and family. It is such a simple and cost effective way to combat pain that I am surprised everyone suffering hasn’t tried it- I hope they do!
William Drackett
My pain was all but gone in about 2 weeks.
I am 78 years old and after several months of severe pain in my arch I was told by my orthopedic surgeon that the only way he could help was to do surgery. My son-in-law contacted Dr. Amis and he diagnosed midfoot arthritis over the phone.
As directed, yet very skeptical, I started stretching on the One Stretch and my pain was all but gone in about 2 weeks. I have been on that One Stretch every day for 3 years now and I am pain free. No more start up pain, no surgery, and I get around better than I have in years.
A. Russell
Thank heavens because [One Stretch] gave my quality of life back to me.
For 3 ½ years I had been suffering from stress fractures, two in my right foot and one in my left foot, and also, what I would come to find out later, Plantar Fasciitis.
I was seeing a Podiatrist who put me in orthotics. After six weeks of being careful I would begin to walk again by starting out slowly, working up to a little speed and then –BAM – another stress fracture. I was very, very, very discouraged because walking fast had been a wonderful form of exercise for me. (I used to run, too.)
A friend told me to go to see Dr. Amis, that he could help me. He had helped her. After 3 ½ years, and many gory details, it was about time I did something…
…So, I DID! Thank heavens because he gave my quality of life back to me.
I was to begin by slowly stretching out my Achilles tendons. Dr. Amis had me start by “hanging my heels” for 15 seconds three times a day (if I remember correctly) and then work up to 30, 45 seconds, one minute, a minute and a half until I reached 3 minutes. IT WORKED! No more stress fractures or Plantar Fasciitis.
And to this day I still stretch my calves, but on the One Stretch and I have referred MANY patients to Dr. Amis.
Virginia K. Cover
I had tried to stretch some in the past but the One Stretch made the difference.
I was referred to you back in December 2012 regarding stiffness and pain in my Achilles Tendon. I just wanted to thank you for your diagnosis and treatment plan of stretching my calves out. I had tried to stretch some in the past but the One Stretch made the difference. It has completely remedied my ailment. I participated in the Flying Pig Relay this past week-end and had no problems at all. I couldn’t even jog a half mile 8 months ago. You were my third opinion and I’m glad I came and saw you. I appreciate you listening to me and helping me understand what was going on. Thank you again for your sound medical advice.
Joe Woods
It is a life-changing event just like losing weight.
When I religiously stretch 3 times a day my foot feels really good. As Dr. Amis also suggested would help for the short term, I have been wearing either 2 or 3 inch heels and this all has made a tremendous difference. I am back to working out 3 days a week, which includes walking and running on the treadmill. My foot hurts somewhat while working out, but I stretch afterwards and the key is that I am able to walk the next day. When I came to Dr. Amis’s office 3 months ago, working out was way too painful, and if I did I definitely struggled to walk the next day. So his remedy is working. It is a life-changing event just like losing weight.
Jackie Kramer