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  • What are the advantages of the One Stretch over other methods or stretching devices?
    Simplicity: The One Stretch is a product born out of five years of development, and the value it offers is in the simplicity of the device. Because of the curved surface, you can carefully manage the intensity of your stretch, and it is easy to use for all ages, conditioning and levels of coordination. Variable intensity: Infinite stretching positions; patented radius stretching surface; you can dial in the intensity of your stretch to what you want. Arch Support– Supporting your arch while you stretch is essential. This support makes the One Stretch safer and your feet feel better. No other product or method provides support for your arches while you stretch your calves like the One Stretch. Isolates the stretch to get the best passive stretch right where you need it; the calf, and particularly the gastrocnemius or upper part of the calf. If you are going to spend the time stretching, you might as well do it the best way possible. Pure passive stretch: The more passive the stretch, the better. This means you are relaxed and the stretch is basically done without any effort on your part. Other devices require your efforts, mentally and physically, to maintain balance and to hold onto something to secure yourself, which reduces your ability to obtain a passive stretch. Back support: The One Stretch is designed so that your back, down to your buttocks, is supported against the wall while you stretch, which gives you the most relaxed passive stretch (see above). Other stretching methods and devices (such as a slant board or stairs) require you to balance your body with no back support. Having your back against the wall also reduces stress on your knees and your lower back. Lastly, it frees your hands so you can read the paper, watch TV, or drink your coffee while stretching. Creates Compliance because you are not looking at stairs or a wall, and it is so easy to use, you are much more likely to actually do the calf stretching you need to do. In addition there is the “see it, use it” effect, therefore you are very likely to do your calf stretches owning the One Stretch. Safety. You can precisely control the intensity of your calf stretch using the “dial-in intensity”. Also, the device itself is very safe in its stability and the method of use. It features non-slip rubber feet on the bottom. There is no need to balance on a rocker device, which can be unsafe, not to mention, unsettling. Designed by a foot & ankle orthopaedic surgeon who has been advocating and refining “definitive” calf stretching for 27 years for his own patients. Now he brings it to everyone. Stretch both calves at same time, or one at a time if you have a lot of time to spare, or the other limb is injured. Independent intensity: not every pair of calves is tight to the same degree, so you can stretch one more intensely than the other as needed, both at the same time.
  • How do I begin stretching?
    Dr. Amis, in his more than a quarter century of practice as an orthopaedic surgeon, has developed a protocol for using the One Stretch that offers a graduated approach to achieving true pain relief, because you are addressing the cause, while maintaining maximum safety. See Stretching Protocol Dr. Amis’ recommended Protocol: Find your starting point based on your age, fitness level and health status. The optimal stretching time is ultimately three minutes, three times per day, every day. Do the stretching in one session. Think of it as doing three sets, three minutes each set. After each set is completed, take a brief rest, and then on to the next timed set. Complete all three sets and you are finished for the day. A light to moderate stretch that you feel in your calf is as good as a hard intense stretch. Be patient! It could take anywhere from a few days to a few months before you start to feel relief.
  • Where can I purchase the One Stretch?
    Currently, the One Stretch is only available for purchase here.
  • How long does it take for calf stretching to work?
    It can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to 6 months, depending on how long you have had your problem. The key is to be patient and stay consistent with the stretching. We believe the One Stretch shortens this time because it creates compliance so you will stretch every day and it gives the best passive stretch to the mid to higher calf where it is needed.
  • Why can the stretching take time?
    There are two good reasons why calf stretching can take time. First, your calf tightness developed slowly over many years. With stretching, you are reversing this slow tightening process so you must be patient. Second, the building blocks of connective tissue, collagen, the actual stuff that makes up your tendons and the supportive tissue of your muscle and is keeping you tight, is collagen. There are millions of these little threads that are connected side by side, also known as cross-linking. Stretching is a process that has to wait for these cross-links to remodel, sort of unlink and relink to a new longer place.
  • Why should I stretch 3 minutes, 3 times per day on the One Stretch?
    There is actually a Level I (the gold standard of scientific studies) scientific study that shows this method of calf stretching is the best by Porter, et al. Early in my career I saw the status quo 15-30 second stretch fail consistently. Knowing that calf stretches definitely worked, I spent the next 10 years working through different time variations. I went back and forth with one, two, three, four and finally five minutes three times per day. Ultimately, around 15 years ago, it became clear that three minutes three times per day was it! Less time was not enough and more time was just a waste of time in most cases.
  • I have heard static stretching is not good for me, and that it can even result in muscle weakness?
    This is true when referring to pre-exercise/sport or warm up stretching. The current recommendation is to perform dynamic stretching prior to exertion. I agree with this research and these recommendations. However, the lay press is currently hot on this subject and they do a poor job of distinguishing between static stretching and dynamic stretching. Generally speaking, the take away from most of the articles is the idea that “stretching is bad for you”, unless you sort of read between the lines. The stretching that we are referring to is taking a muscle, the calf muscle in this case, that is too short and over time restoring it to its original intended length. Only static stretching can achieve this. Dynamic stretching prior to excise will slightly elongate a muscle, however if that muscle is chronically and pathologically too short to begin with it will remain too short even as you exercise.
  • I had plantar fasciitis and it went away, so do I still need to stretch?
    You are the person who definitely needs to stretch. Your symptoms might have resolved, but the underlying cause, your calves are still too tight and still causing incremental progressive damage to your foot and ankle in other places. Think of your heel pain as the proverbial minor “heart attack” that wakes you up and gets you back on the path to a healthy lifestyle preventing further damage. In your case, a history of plantar fasciitis is your early warning to start preventative stretching and creating a much healthier foot and ankle.
  • Can I stretch more than the protocol suggests? Since it takes a while for the stretching to work, would stretching longer or harder work faster?
    This protocol has been tested over the past 20+ years and 3 minutes 3 times per day is sufficient in almost every case. Since we are not all the same, of course there will be outliers that might benefit from stretching longer. However, higher stretch intensity, really pushing it, might aggravate your problem.
  • How far should the One Stretch be placed away from the wall?
    The best starting point is to place the One Stretch away from the wall about the length of your own foot with a shoe on, heel to toe. However, you can go as close to or away from the wall as you want. You will quickly figure out the distance that personally suits you the best.
  • Can I stretch on the OS facing the wall?
    You could stretch facing the wall, however you would be defeating many of the unique advantages of this device.
  • Should I wear shoes to stretch?
    This is another great thing about the One Stretch because it’s completely up to you! Whether you stretch on the One Stretch barefoot or in shoes, the quality of stretch will not be affected. However, we have found that most people ultimately choose to stretch in athletic type shoes.
  • Would it be better to stretch 3 separate times per day; morning, afternoon and night?
    There is no problem doing the stretches like this, but no advantage either. We have found that compliance decreases if you don’t stretch in a cluster, i.e. all three stretches linked closely together.
  • What do the numbers 1-4 stand for on the One Stretch?
    The numbers are a general scale for the placement of your feet on the One Stretch, loosely representing the level of intensity of your stretch. Level 1 is the least intense stretch, followed by level 2, then level 3, and the most intense stretch, level 4, achieved when the One Stretch is turned around.
  • What do the numbers 1-4 stand for on the One Stretch?
    The numbers are a general scale for the placement of your feet on the One Stretch, loosely representing the level of intensity of your stretch. Level 1 is the least intense stretch, followed by level 2, then level 3, and the most intense stretch, level 4, achieved when the One Stretch is turned around.
  • I have been on the One Stretch just a few days and my pain has gotten worse?
    Good! That means you are actually using it. Usually this pain is a sign that you are doing the right thing. You wouldn’t question muscle soreness after going to the fitness center. Both are almost always temporary. However, in a few cases this could be a sign that you are stretching too hard. If you think this is a possibility, just move back a number and lower your stretch intensity until you feel comfortable. If there are any concerns consult your physician.
  • Is there an incorrect way to place my foot on the One Stretch?
    Yes! You want the contact on the bottom of your foot to be centered in the arch area with less contact on the heel and out at the end towards the toes or ball of your foot. This stretching contact is the safest for the foot and it creates the best possible calf stretch. Placing the front of your foot on the One Stretch is like hanging off a step, which produces more pressure on the toes/metatarsal area, and gives an inferior stretch, while placing unnecessary strain on your arch.
  • Where should I feel it when I stretch?
    Feeling the stretch in the mid to higher portion of your calves, just below your knees, is ideal, right where the stretch is needed. No other device or method will provide this level of stretch like the One Stretch does.arch.
  • There is something that moves and rattles inside the One Stretch when I pick it up and turn it around. Is there something wrong with my One Stretch?
    Absolutely not. This does happen in a few One Stretches coming off the line and is a result of one or more small, loose plastic pieces inside the hollow cavity. At most it might be a bit annoying. The manufacturing process we chose to make the One Stretch is rotational molding and it is manufactured by Hedstrom Plastics under the strictest standards, ISO 9001/2008. Each of the four rubber feet on the bottom require a drill hole being made in the plastic after the molding process is completed and pieces of the blue plastic from the drill bit can be cast off into the cavity.

FAQ – The One Stretch™ Product

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